The transportation system integrates regional and local roadways and streets, transit (bus and rail), bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and air and freight rail linkages. The transportation system connects the region to the rest of the state and beyond, and will evolve to include future technology and mobility innovations as appropriate.
Educational, enforcement and engineering approaches enhance safety to reduce crashes, serious injuries and fatalities. Coordinated operations and management of the system maximizes capacity and reliability for all users. Transportation system physical components are well-maintained to extend their useful life and provide a quality travel experience.
Advancements in transportation technology can offer residents quicker, cleaner and more efficient ways to move around our fast-growing region. In partnership with the City of Denver and agencies like Electrify America, RTD and CDOT, Lyft is making a significant investment in green transportation solutions through a commitment to transition into offering only electric vehicles on its platform by 2030.
Performance measures are critically important in monitoring the region’s progress toward Metro Vision themes and outcomes. They are used to obtain regular measurement of outcomes and results. They also generate reliable data to help local governments and partners evaluate policies, programs and initiatives. As part of its reporting on plan progress toward creating a connected, multimodal region, DRCOG will use the performance measures outlined below.
2014 Baseline | 25.1%
2019 Observation | 25.7%
2040 Target | 35.0%
2010 Baseline | 25.2
2019 Observation | 25.4
2040 Target | 10.0%
decrease from 2010
2014 Baseline | 1.22
2019 Observation | 1.22
2040 Target | Less than 1.30
2017 Baseline | 5.7
2019 Observation | 5.8
2040 Target | Less than 9.0
2014 Baseline | 185
2019 Observation | 270
2040 Target | Less than 100
Find current and past plans, data, research, reports, presentations and events to improve your ability to get involved and stay active in creating and sustaining a multimodal region.
1001 17th Street
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-455-1000
Fax: 303-480-6790
©2019 DRCOG